Prosys Sentrol OPC UA & Classic SDK for Delphi Logo

OPC UA & Classic

SDK for Delphi

Reliable sense & control software development with Delphi and C++ Builder

Technical Details

Release History

  • Current Release: 7.8.0

For more information, please see the Release Notes

General OPC UA & Classic Features

Prosys Sentrol OPC UA & Classic SDK for Delphi supports the following OPC UA & Classic features

OPC Versions

  • OPC UA 1.04 and earlier
  • OPC Classic Data Access 1.0A & 2.05

OPC UA Transport Protocols

  • OPC UA-TCP UA-SC UA Binary

OPC UA Security Policies

  • None
  • Basic128Rsa15
  • Basic256
  • Basic256Sha256
  • Aes128-Sha256-RsaOaep
  • Aes256-Sha256-RsaPss

Delphi & C++Builder Versions

  • XE5 up to 12 Athens 
  • 2005 up to XE4 (OPC Classic Only)


  • Windows 32
  • Windows 64

OPC UA Client SDK Specific Features

Prosys Sentrol OPC UA SDK Client edition implements the necessary OPC UA client side infrastructure, enabling you to concentrate on your core competence, including

The Client SDK includes a tutorial and a sample client application which demonstrate the usage of the Client SDK and give you a quick start to your own OPC UA client application development.

Supported OPC UA Profiles

  • UA Generic Client Profile
  • UA Data Access Client Profile

Supported OPC UA Facets

  • Base Client Behaviour Facet
  • Core Client Facet
  • AddressSpace Lookup Client Facet
  • Attribute Read Client Facet
  • Attribute Write Client Facet
  • Complex Data Types
  • DataChange Subscriber Client Facet
  • DataAccess Client Facet
  • Diagnostic Client Facet
  • Discovery Client Facet
  • Event Subscriber Client Facet
  • Method Client Facet
  • Multi-Server Client Connection Facet
  • Historical Access
  • Advanced Type Programming Client Facet
  • Auditing Client Facet
  • Redundant Client Facet*
  • User Token – User Name Password Client Facet
  • User Token – X509 Certificate Client Facet

OPC UA Server SDK Specific Features

Prosys Sentrol OPC UA SDK Server Edition provides the basic infrastructure for developing a full-fledged OPC UA server. It enables you to add a complete OPC UA server to your application with minimum effort by implementing all the necessary services and data types according to the OPC UA specifications.

Implemented Services

  • Security Certificate Management
  • Session Management
  • Subscription Management
  • Node Management
  • Attribute Management
  • Event Management
  • Method Services
  • Alarm Services
  • History Services

The Server SDK includes a tutorial and a sample server application, which demonstrate the usage of the Server SDK and give you a quick start to your own OPC UA server application development.

Supported OPC UA Profiles

  • Standard UA Server Profile
    • Embedded UA Server Profile
    • Nano Embedded Device Server Profile
    • Micro Embedded Device Server Profile

Supported OPC UA Facets

  • Core Server Facet
  • Base Server Behaviour Facet
  • Attribute WriteMask Server Facet
  • Documentation Server Facet*
  • Embedded DataChange Subscription Server Facet
  • Standard DataChange Subscription Server Facet
  • Enhanced DataChange Subscription Server Facet
  • Data Access Server Facet
  • ComplexType Server Facet
  • Standard Event Subscription Server Facet
  • Method Server Facet
  • Node Management Server Facet
  • A & C Base Condition Server Facet
  • A & C Address Space Instance Server Facet
  • A & C Enable Server Facet
  • A & C Alarm Server Facet
  • A & C Acknowledgeable Alarm Server Facet
  • A & C Exclusive Alarming Server Facet
  • A & C Non-Exclusive Alarming Server Facet
  • A & C Dialog Server Facet
  • Historical Raw Data Server Facet*
  • Historical Aggregate Server Facet*
  • Historical Access Structured Data Server Facet*
  • Historical Data AtTime Server Facet*
  • Historical Access Modified Data Server Facet*
  • Historical Annotation Server Facet*
  • Historical Data Update Server Facet*
  • Historical Data Insert Server Facet*
  • Historical Data Delete Server Facet*
  • Base Historical Event Server Facet*
  • Historical Event Update Server Facet*
  • Historical Event Insert Server Facet*
  • Historical Event Replace Server Facet*
  • Historical Event Delete Server Facet*
  • User Token – Anonymous Facet
  • User Token – User Name Password Server Facet*
  • User Token – X509 Certificate Server Facet*

* Requires application implementation

Prosys Sentrol OPC UA & Classic SDK for Delphi Edition Comparison

Edition UA Client Binary UA Client Source UA Client & Server Binary UA Client & Server Source Classic Binary Classic Source
OPC UA Client
OPC UA Server
OPC Classic Client
OPC Classic Server
Visual Display and Edit
Variable Components for Simple Data Types (Boolean, Float, String, Integer, State, Bitset, DateTime)
Basic Statistics
Basic Alarms
Visual Animations (Move, Scale, Color, Visibility)
Array Data Types (Byte, Float, Historical)
Byte Array Connector
Historian (Trends)
Event Log
Online Math Functions
Database Connectors (dbXpress, IBExpress, ADO)
Object Persistency Framework
Source Code

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