Customer Registration

Prosys OPC is a leading OPC and OPC UA software and professional services supplier registered as Prosys OPC Ltd and domicile in Espoo, Finland. For more information, have a look at our website or contact us at

After registration is completed, you (Customer) are eligible to purchase/receive developer licenses for Prosys Sentrol OPC UA & Classic SDK for Delphi (Software) and use the Software according to the applicable license agreement. Product editions, number of licenses, and pricing shall be agreed on separately and updated as needed.

The Customer shall appoint a contact person (Manager), who will submit this registration form and be responsible for the Customer always having the correct number of developer licenses. Since the Software is a developer toolkit without copy protection and contains binary and/or source code, the Customer must apply special care in protecting the respective intellectual property rights.

The Manager is allowed to allocate developer licenses to individual developers within the Customer organization and update the list of registered developers if needed. The Manager must follow that the number of developer licenses corresponds to the number of developers using the Software. The Customer is also obligated to pay the license and maintenance fees accordingly.

Registered developers are eligible to receive download and other information, as well as access the support services directly from Prosys OPC. Providing name and email address are the minimum requirements for developer registration.

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